
By the Numbers




In Diabetes Related Research Funding


Increase in Members (Total:192)


New Students and Fellows FY 2023


New Recruits with EGDRC
funding/co-funding FY 2022-2023


Pilot Funding Awarded

Georgia Center for Diabetes Translation Research

Georgia Center for Diabetes Translation Research

GCDTR is one of seven NIDDK-funded Centers for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR).

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Precision-CARRS Cohort

Precision-CARRS Cohort

The CARRS Cohort is a state-of-the-art, population-based cohort of South Asians to address existing and emerging questions related to cardio-metabolic disease.

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The Project Peach

Project Peach

The purpose of this study is to understand what Georgians think about COVID-19 and learn about their experiences to improve testing.

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Emory Global Diabetes Research Center Strategic Plan

The Emory Global Diabetes Research Center (EGDRC) has undertaken a year-long evaluation to develop a 5-year strategic plan to propel the center into the future. The 2023-2028 strategic plan highlights 4 pillars, identifies priorities for growth, and indicates our commitment to expand and continue to improve the lives of people and populations through interdisciplinary diabetes research. We are pleased to share the summarized plan for your information.


Who Is The Emory Global Diabetes Research Center?

 At the Emory Global Diabetes Research Center (EGDRC), we leverage our extensive global network to develop and advance the abilities of Emory, US, and non-US researchers to engage in world-class research in diabetes and other related non-communicable diseases such as stroke, hypertension, heart disease and co-morbid conditions such as tuberculosis, mental health, and HIV. Our research seeks to understand causes and consequences, investigate prevention methods, and inform policy by exploring risk factors such as socio-demographics, nutrition, obesity, physiology, and physical activity.