
Shankar Fellows 2024 Cohort

Funding TimelineDue DateResponsibility
Application for fundingMar 31, 2024Advisor
Review of applicationMay 1, 2024DTA
Revision dueMay 15, 2024Advisor
Student Interviews completedMay 15, 2024DTA
Notice of AwardJune 1, 2024DTA
Start of FundingSep 1, 2024DTA and LGS
Renewal of Funding for Y4 and Y5May 1, 2027DTA, Advisor
Approval of Shankar Innovation FundMay 1, 2027DTA

Shankar Fellows 2025 Cohort

Funding TimelineDue DateResponsibility
Application for fundingMar 1, 2025Advisor
Review of applicationApr 1, 2025DTA
Revision dueApr 15, 2025Advisor
Student Interviews completedMay 15, 2025DTA
Notice of AwardJune 1, 2025DTA
Start of FundingSep 1, 2025DTA and LGS
Renewal of Funding for Y4 and Y5May 1, 2028DTA, Advisor
Approval of Shankar Innovation FundMay 1, 2028DTA

Proposal Checklist

  • Proposal (3 pages)
  • CV of Advisor(s)
  • CV of Doctoral Student

Please email your documents as a single PDF to

Proposal Format

Knowing that these solutions will address significant problems, we encourage applicants to follow the ARPA-H Open Broad Agency Announcement format for the project abstract. Following the ARPA-H guide on answering these questions may be helpful.

  1. Concept Summary (0.25 page)
    What are you trying to do? What health problem are you trying to solve? Explain with minimal jargon how this project addresses the mission of developing “High impact, affordable solutions that address diabetes and diabetes-related complications”.
  2. Innovation and Impact (1 page)
    How is it done today? What are the limitations of present approaches?
    Who cares? If you succeed, what difference will it make? What is the market potential? Specifically, who would pay for it? Which business stakeholders will be positively/negatively affected?
    To ensure equitable access for all people, how will cost, accessibility, and user experience be addressed?
  3. Proposed Work (1.5 pages)
    What is new about your approach? Why do you think you can be successful at this time?
    What are the risks? Identify any risks that may prevent you from reaching your objectives, as well as any risks the product itself may present.
    How long will the product development take?
    In addition, what is your go-to-market strategy? How long will it take to reach $1M Annual Recurring Revenue?
  4. Sources for Research Support (0.25 page)
    How much will the product development cost? Do you have anticipated or current funding to cover these expenses as the doctoral student works on the product?