Jessica Harding, PhD

Assistant Professor | Department of Surgery, Emory School of Medicine, Emory University


Dr. Jessica Harding is an epidemiologist with extensive experience in conducting chronic disease research at population and system levels in both academic and government settings.

She received her PhD in medical research (epidemiology) from Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, in 2016, and engaged in a research fellowship at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2017-2019. During the latter period she focused on describing trends in diabetes and kidney disease-related complications in the United States, and examined variations in diabetes incidence and diabetes complications according to demographic, socioeconomic, and lifestyle risk factors.

At Emory, Dr. Harding is working on improving data collection and quality related to kidney disease and transplantation as a member of the Transplant Health Services and Outcomes Research Program.
Jessica Harding, PhD

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